Companies are increasingly confronted with activities that entail handling, storing and managing large numbers of documents. A document management system is an essential link for SMEs to manage their businesses better, save costs and to make more room, but first and foremost to increase profitability. The co-existence of paper documents and computer files can lead to a situation where you can’t see the wood for the trees anymore.

You can come to us for scanning and digitising paperwork, like legal documents, photos, magazines, technical drawings, incoming and outgoing invoices, bank statements, insurance policies, quality manuals, procedures, etc.

We offer you innovative solutions with all the latest technology to manage your documents and archive. The great advantage of digital archiving is that you will save space and this means you will save costs too. It is very efficient to arrange your archive digitally: you determine who is able to access which information. We also take care of physical storage for your documents and archive, in accordance with legal rules, regulations and requirements.

It is very important to determine together in advance what the structure of your document management will be. During registration, documents are tagged with a unique bar code that can be used to request the document whenever you need it, digitally or physically.

Digitised information can be requested, sent and printed at any time thanks to a web interface. You will determine who has which access rights within your organisation. Or you can ask us to look up certain documents physically or digitally, print them and send them.

Because company information is centralised, we offer you the possibility to prepare various kinds of documents, such as incoming and outgoing invoices and purchase orders immediately for storage, for example in your accounting, ERP or sales package, etc.

We offer safe and reliable solutions for your document and archive management with an eye for clarity, conformity, safety and accessibility.